This is an Example for All Kramdown Supported Syntax

1 Nowhere University

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    nil     Paper     GitHub     Video     Slides     Poster Quick Reference Block-level Elements - Main Structural Elements Paragraphs The first paragraph. Another paragraph This is a paragraph
which contains a hard line break.
Headers First level header Second level header H1 header H2 header H3 header

H4 header

H5 header
H6 header
KiwiXR: Uncomment the line in markdown below to see effect A header without an ID Blockquotes A sample blockquote.
Nested blockquotes are also possible.
Headers work too This is the outer quote again.
This is a blockquote continued on this and this line. But this is a separate paragraph. Code Blocks This is a sample code block.
Continued here.
This is also a code block. ~~~ Ending lines must have at least as many tildes as the starting line.
def what? 42 end
Horizontal Rules Lists
  1. This is a list item
  2. And another item
  3. And the third one with additional text
  1. This is a list item with a blockquote And a header
  2. Followed by another item
  1. Item one
    1. sub item one
    2. sub item two
    3. sub item three
  2. Item two
KiwiXR: Note that GFM is enabled, so both of them are in a single list below, but the spacing is in a mess This is a paragraph.
  1. This is NOT a list.
  2. This is a list!
Definition Lists
another definition
another term
and another term
and a definition for the term
This is a term
This will be a para
a blockquote A header Tables
A simple table
with multiple lines
Header1 Header2 Header3
cell1 cell2 cell3
cell4 cell5 cell6
cell1 cell2 cell3
cell4 cell5 cell6
Foot1 Foot2 Foot3
HTML elements
Something that stays right and is not wrapped in a para.
This is wrapped in a para.
This can contain only span level elements. Block Attributes A nice blockquote A nice blockquote A nice blockquote paragraph paragraph Extensions This is a paragraph … paragraph continues here. Extensions can also be used inline **see**! KiwiXR: Uncomment the line in markdown below to see effect Header without id Emphasis This is emphasized, this too! This is strong, this too! This works as expected! Links and Images A link to the kramdown homepage. A link to the homepage. A link to the homepage. A link to the kramdown hp. An image: favicon Inline Code Use to convert the text in kramdown syntax to HTML. Use backticks to markup code, e.g. `code`. Footnotes This is a text with a footnote1. This is a text with a footnote2. And here is the definition.
> With a quote!
Abbreviations This is an HTML example. HTML Elements This is written in red. Inline Attributes This is red.
  1. And here is the definition.